Journal of Navigation and Port Research 2004;28(2):135-140.
Published online March 31, 2004.
Performance Enhancement of Whistle Sound Source Tracking Algorithm using Time-Scale Filter Based on Wavelet Transform
Serng-Bae Moon
A purpose of developing a sound source tracking system in this paper is to reduce the noise efficiently from the received signal by microphone array and measure the signal’s time delay between the microphones. I have applied the wavelet analysis algorithm to the system and calculated the sound source’s relative position. For the performance evaluation, I have compared with the results of utilizing she digital filtering methods based on the FIR LPF using Kaiser window function and the inverse Chebyshev IIR LPF. As a result, I have confirmed the fact that ‘time-scale’ filter using inverse discrete wavelet transform was suitable for this system.
Key Words: Microphone array;Time delay;Time-scale filter;Kaiser window;Inverse Chebyshev filter;Inverse discrete wavelet transform

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